Journeys to Islam


Muslim converts are often shunned by their old community and coerced into being something ‘other’ in their new community, never fully feeling part of either. Nonetheless, their belief in Islam is strong enough to get them through the challenges they experiences.

Following on from my previous project, where I explored my own journey to Islam, I have decided to take this one step further and share the experiences of some of my Peers who have taken a similar journey to the same destination and begin to find that even the destination has its nuances for each of us.


It all began with a complaint and the search for spiritual enlightenment.

©George Thompson -

©Steve Houldsworth -,_Preston#Media/File:City_Church,_Preston.jpg

Zakariya. (Gareth)

I’m not sure where it began, but there were threads running through my life.


I didn’t realise that the music I listened to as a child was Islamic.


Losing my religion - WiP